Saturday, July 26, 2008

Technical Difficulties

I know, you're tired of finding Jacaranda trees here.
Trouble is, well, technical difficulties. It may take some time to work out the kinks.
There are pictures you see, I am shooting- don't worry. But getting them out of The Big Canon and onto The Little Mac is proving a bit difficult. So, I have turned once again to my faithful Little Canon to get the job done. This poor little guy. Imagine a scrawny, bruised, scraped, limping little guy with an eye patch and thin strands of hair combed over his lopsided head- that's my little buddy, the little purse Canon that could. He's fallen from high, from low, fallen into the sand, and bounced on cement. He's flipped and flopped but not fallen from grace, my little workhorse. Someday soon, I'll retire him out to pasture, but in the meantime he still gets the job done (see Keeping up with Zoe). His work deserves posting too, so onward we go....

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