Monday, May 18, 2009


What on Earth could make a string of bored toddlers sit wait for an eternity?
They won't even sit through a quick meal!
Balloon Animals. Really.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Technical difficulties, again.

I know, you think I'm scattered. I'm a scattered Mommy. My kids often have that Quiltie look. Sometimes their hair is messy. Their noses runny. Sometimes I forget the sippy cup, or the snackie-trap. Sometimes I forget Kleenexes and have to wipe noses with a slightly pre-owned brown napkin from Rubios extracted from my jacket pocket, or worse, my sleeve. Sometimes we're late for naps and they have to go boneless in protest of something or another. Usually we're running late because The Mommy forgot something, had to run back into the house for it, then realized the three other things I forgot, scrounged most of them up, then ran off again. Then pulled over a block away to find what was thrown on the floor of the backseat to subdue wailing so early in the trip. And due to the usual chaos and distraction, The Mommy did not take time to put together a decent outfit for herself that meets all requirements: is clean, is not tattered, is not too ill-fitting, matches, etc. further continuing the appearance of being totally scatter brained.
But despite what you may think because I haven't washed my hair in three days, I still do take pictures when something notable happens. I don't just say, "oh how cute" then walk away to brush my teeth. Au contraire. My teeth go unbrushed so I can capture the special moment on (digital) film. That's right, I'm not scatter brained just for the sake of it, or because it comes naturally, no no, it's because one can only fit so many moments into a day- only so many actions and reactions. Because The Mommy must react to, say, someone screaming, "Honeeeeeeeeyyyyyy! I wanted to read that NOWWWWWWWW!!!!" then suddenly there is no time to brush my hair. The quick scraggly ponytail will have to do. Because someone may prefer to ransack the book shelf, flip over the toybox, and fling the freshly folded laundry, now another chore must fall to the wayside- like reapplying deoderant, picking up cheerios from the kitchen floor (crunch), feeding the cat, or remembering to stuff new diapers into the diaper bag.
This is how it all starts to fall apart.
But taking pictures- this is a priority. There is always time to pull out the camera.
But sometimes it feels like the world is against us.
First, Canon is numero uno on The Mommy's Poo-Poo list.
The point and shoot is shot, and had to be returned for fixing. Hopefully Canon is making lemonade...
While they are squeezing their lemons, The Mommy is out one workhorse- and completely without video at the crucial time of JULIAN'S FIRST STEPS. As a documentarian, this is killing me.
Second, while trying to step up the technical systems, again, two steps forward (new iMac -love you-) one step back (new iMac ate digital files upon insertion of Big Canon's Compact Flash card -hate you-).
In short, Little Canon at shop, so I've been shooting the good stuff only to loose 2 weeks of images trying to connect on new computer. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.
The Mommy is doing the best she can. Must. Hold. It. Together.
Be patient! Thanks.